Welcome back to “Cooking The Books”!

Tonight, we are going to show you how to cook one of my favourites… Suspense Soup!

In a large heavy based saucepan, combine one emotionally flawed protagonist, half a dozen roughly chopped murder victims, and a liberal splash of mysterious phenomena. If phenomena is unavailable, substitute with one whole sadistic villian. Add one litre of stock (preferably police chase or childhood back story). Sprinkle with flour, and stir until the plot thickens. Boil until the murder victims float to the top. Ladle into deep bowls and garnish with a couple of red herrings.

This wonderful soup should be served with a side of chilled revenge. You can heat the revenge up, but it really is best served cold.

The flavours will have you guessing til the very last mouthful!

Stay tuned! After the break,  We’ll show you how to use all those frozen leftovers in a delicious Post-Modern Casserole.